T.P.L Rules 2023-24

  1. The league shall be known as The Token Pool League

  2. The league shall be made up of pubs and clubs within a 7 mile radius from greenbaize snooker club.
  3. 3a: The committee shall be made up of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and minimum of 3 committee members, all of which have the power to vote except for the chairperson who will have casting vote in the event of a split decision, all members will be voted onto the committee by players present at the A.G.M.
    3b. The election of committee members will take place every year at the A.G.M.
    3c. The Chairperson will control all committee meetings and/or any other business.
    3d. If there is to be a vice chairperson, they will be elected by the committee members.

  4. The committee reserve the right to refuse any club/pub or individuals from being able to play in the token pool league and they also have the right to withhold the reasons for doing so.

  5. Each team will pay a registration fee determined at the A.G.M

  6. 6a. No registration sheets will be accepted without joining fee and list of starting players and must be completed prior to closing date.
    6b. Any team found to by playing an unsigned player will be deducted 2 points.
    6c. Teams must start a match with the minimum players allowable for that season or the match cannot be played.
    6d. All team captains will be held responsible for the behaviour of their team members and supporters unless violent and/or aggressive/abusive, in the event of this being reported then they themselves will be asked to attend a meeting before the committee, and this may result in suspension/ban from the league.
    6e. Any players found to be breaking the rules of the club/pub they are visiting may be subject to disciplinary action and possible suspension/ban from the league, if you are suspended/banned from the league you may not attend any matches for the duration of the suspension/ban, suspended/banned players found to be present during a match will have their teams’ points deducted for that match.
    6f. The use of illegal substances/drugs during our league matches is strictly prohibited as can badly influence an individual’s behaviour.
    6h. The committee employ a yellow card system for misconduct, 2 yellow cards in one season will result in your team being removed for 2 seasons no exceptions.

  7. 7a. Any players acting in an un sportsman like manor, for example, throwing cues/chalk putting opponent off, over the top celebrations ect will forfeit the frame.
    7b. Players may sign for a team on the night, but the registration form must be submitted to the league prior to the match starting.
    7c. No player shall sign for more than one team per season, no transfers allowed in the summer league, but a player may transfer once during the winter season, if a player has been involved in cup competitions, they will be deemed cup tied.
    7d. Players over the age of 14 may sign to play in a team but must be accompanied by a responsible adult and must adhere to the pub/club rules for entry.
    7e. Result sheets are the winning team’s responsibility to hand in, if a draw then the home team, only clear and legible result sheets will be accepted and must be handed in by midnight Thursday after the match, we will not chase this and if late you will not receive your points, preferred method will be clear on result sheets.

  8. 8a. The summer league format will be as follows:
    4 singles, 1 scotch doubles(players take 1 shot each till frame is over), 1 Team game(separate trophy), 4 singles, 1 scotch doubles(plyers take 1 shot each until frame is over)
    You will require a minimum of 4 players this season although a match may take place with 3 members, (you will lose 2 singles and one doubles)
    The top 2 teams from each group will go forward to the KO stages
    You must have played at least one match in the first half of the season to be eligible to play in the finals.
    8b. The winter league format will be as follows:
    5 singles, Team frame (min 5 players take visits each till frame is won), 5 singles
    You will require a minimum of 5 players this season although a match may take place with 4 members, (you will lose 2 singles and the team frame)
    8c. The scotch team frame is a separate competition and does not count towards the final score but every 3 team frames won gains an additional point for the season.
    8d. Games must be played on a table in good condition and with standard red/yellow balls or pro cup balls and are to be played to standard old EPA rules

  9. Points are awarded as follows:
    3 team frames in a season=1 point

  10. Home teams to referee each match and pay for the games, refreshments should also be provided for winter league (optional in summer)

  11. The referee must always pay attention to the frame and have a good understanding of the ‘old epa rules’ and will have the final decision in any dispute.

  12. All matches will commence at 8pm on the night and finish before 11:15pm, the 60 second shot clock WILL be observed by all teams unless both teams agree at the start of the match not to do so, if you agree at the start you cannot bring it in later, the referee will call at the 30 second mark ’30 seconds remaining’ clearly for all to hear.

  13. If by 8:10pm at least one player is not present, signed and ready to play the 1st frame will be awarded to the team that is present, if no player is present by 8:30 then the team who are present will be awarded the match, the team sheet must still be filled out and signed by the present players with a NO PLAYER in the side that didn’t show.

  14. Before each frame home side will print and sign their name then hand to the away team to print and sign their player, the referee will toss a coin to determine who has the option of making the break, it can be passed over to opponent if desired.

  15. In any singles frame NO coaching is allowed, but in a doubles or team game you may talk before the table is touched, remember the 60 second rule still applies, if coaching is seen by the referee then a foul can be given.

  16. Any frame disputes not settled on the night between the 2 captains and the referee may be sent in writing to the committee the following day for ruling, ruling will be final.

  17. End of winter season promotions/relegations will be top 2 go up and bottom 2 go down, this does not apply to summer league as it’s a random draw for groups.

  18. If a team drops out for whatever reason during a season, then all points gained/lost will be nullified unless half the season was already played, then the points will remain.

  19. In the event of a tie at the end of the season then the winners will be determined by most frames won, the team game trophy if tied will be awarded to both teams equally.

  20. 20a Cup games Plate games and Captains pick games are included in registration fee and will be played at neutral venues where possible.
    20b. Any other comps such as singles, doubles, triples will be payable at the venue on the night up to a predetermined time, if you are not at the venue on time you cannot play.
    20c. Players may only enter these competitions if they have played 40% of league matches that season.
    20d If your team is KO’d in the first round of the KO cup you will be entered into the plate draw free of charge.
    21a. All perpetual trophies will be signed for on presentation night and then displayed at your home venue, they must be returned to the league by the date given by the committee to allow for engraving, if no representative is present then the team in question will forfeit the rights to the trophy
    21b. Any loss or damage to the perpetual trophies will be charged to the team responsible.